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Ben Sorscher

PhD student, Stanford University

Google Scholar,

Selected publications

One-shot entorhinal maps enable flexible navigation in novel environments.
J Wen*, B Sorscher*, EA Aery Jones, S Ganguli, L Giocomo.
Nature 2024

Beyond neural scaling laws: beating power law scaling via data pruning.
B Sorscher*, R Geirhos*, S Shekhar, S Ganguli, AS Marcos.
NeurIPS 2022. Outstanding paper award.

Neural representational geometry underlies few-shot concept learning.
B Sorscher, S Ganguli, H Sompolinsky.
PNAS 2022

A unified theory for the computational and mechanistic origins of grid cells.
B Sorscher*, G Mel*, SA Ocko, L Giocomo, S Ganguli.
Neuron 2022

A theory of learning with constrained weight-distribution.
W Zhong, B Sorscher, DD Lee, H Sompolinsky.
NeurIPS 2022

Explaining heterogeneity in medial entorhinal cortex with task-driven neural networks.
A Nayebi, A Attinger, M Campbell, K Hardcastle, I Low, CS Mallory, G Mel, B Sorscher, AH Williams, S Ganguli, L Giocomo, D Yamins.
NeurIPS spotlight 2021

A unified theory for the origin of grid cells through the lens of pattern formation.
B Sorscher*, G Mel*, S Ganguli, SA Ocko.
NeurIPS spotlight 2019


Harvard University      A.B., Physics and Mathematics, 2018

Harvard University      A.M., Physics, 2018

Stanford University      Ph.D. candidate, Applied Physics, 2023


US mail: Ben Sorscher
         290 Jane Stanford Way
         Stanford, CA 94305

Ben Sorscher <>
Last modified: 7/22. Thank you to Sarah Harvey for the website format.